Selecting an Account
- Open the Find Account window:
- This window opens automatically on launching PAS.
- To switch to a different account after making a selection, click
the Account menu, and then click the Find Account option.
- Type any of the following in the Account field:
- Network user ID (user name, alias, network ID, NID)
- Brigham and Women's Hospital medical record number (MRN)
- Massachusetts General Hospital MRN
- PeopleSoft identifier
- Name, starting with the last, separated from the first by a comma
(lastName, firstName)
- Press the ENTER key or click the Search
- Accounts that match your search criteria are listed in the center
- For multiple results, click a column heading to sort in alphanumeric
order - Name, Network ID, Sex, Department, POL (location).
- When selected, the description section at the bottom is red and
includes a note if the account is disabled.
- To display the systems for which a user is authorized, click to
select the line. Systems are displayed in the bottom pane.
- Click to select the line for the account, and then click the Ok button. Profile information
on the selected account displays in the main PAS window.