Report - Account List

About report templates

  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Hold the mouse pointer over the Account List option, and then click Run Account List.
  1. Click Import Template.
  1. Set up criteria to find the template you want.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Click to select a template from the list.
  4. Click Select.
  1. Click Import Template.

If prompted, select and validate a population file.

•   If running from a template, the population is limited users defined on the template. If changes are needed, see next, creating a new template, or Editing a Report Template.

•   If you are not using a template, as needed, limit the populations by location or account type.

•   If you are not using a template, to include accounts from a file (text or Excel) that lists specific users by their user names, click to check the box for Populate from a file, and then select and validate a population file when prompted.

•   If needed, manually select specific users to include in the report

•   If you're not using a template, select at least one system and/or SFA for which you need a list of authorized users. If you are using a template, add or remove system(s) and/or SFA(s) as needed. (At least one is required.)

  1. Click Save as Template.
  2. Type a name for the template, and then click Validate Name.
  3. Click OK to close the validation message. If the name you entered is invalid (for example, already in use), repeat the previous step with a different name.
  4. If needed, edit the parameters for the new template. Changes here will not affect the report in progress.
  5. Click Update.
  6. To return to the current report, click Close.
  1. Click the Output Results button, or click the Actions menu and then click the Output Results option.
  2. By default, the field delimiter is a Tab character. When prompted, to change the delimiter, select a different option from the drop-down list. Click the OK button to continue.
  3. When prompted, navigate to the storage area for the new txt file, and type a File name.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. Click the OK button to acknowledge the message when the report output is complete to the selected file area.
  1. Click the Copy button, or click the Actions menu and then click the Copy option.
  2. By default, the field delimiter is a Tab character. When prompted, to change the delimiter, select a different option from the drop-down list. Click the OK button to continue.
  3. Click the OK button to acknowledge the message when the report has been copied to the clipboard
  1. Click the Print button, or click the File menu, and then click the Print option.
  2. On the Account List Report, click the File menu.
  1. Generate a paper copy:
  1. To close the display:
  1. Click to select the option Send the Report Directly to File.
  2. By default, the field delimiter is a Tab character. When prompted, to change the delimiter, select a different option from the drop-down list. Click the OK button to continue.
  3. When prompted, navigate to the storage area (SFA) for the new txt file, and type a File name.
  4. Click the Save button. (To change the SFA and/or file name, click the Select Output File button.)
  5. Click the Run Report button.
  6. Click the OK button to close the message that the report was successfully sent. The file may take some time to write. You will receive an email notification when the file is ready.