Displaying account information
In the main PAS window, the default display on selecting an account
is the Profile.
Click a link on the left to switch the display: Systems,
SFAs, Profile
Click a column heading to sort alphanumerically by that column. Click
the column again to reverse the sort order.
- Profile includes the following:
- Account NID (network ID or user name)
- DHeC ID (Digital Health eCare)
- Key status - for active keys this includes the expiration date;
otherwise the status is
- Password - the enterprise network password, which expires every
180 days; for active passwords this includes the expiration date;
otherwise the status is
- NT Home Server - the file path for the user's home (H) drive on
the network
- Exchange Server - for email
- Primary Email - address for email account on the exchange server,
required for Office 360 login; users may have additional alias email
addresses that point to this same exchange email account
- Account type
- Primary office location
for the selected account includes:
- System name in PAS
- Description
- Authorization(s) for the selected user; an asterisk (*) indicates
that the user is authorized to assign authorization for the system
to other users (a keygiver)
- SFAs for the selected account includes:
- SFA name
- Description
- Authorization(s) for the selected user; an asterisk (*) indicates
that the user is authorized to assign authorization for the SFA to
other users (a keygiver)
- UNC (universal naming convention), the file path for the SFA on
the network
- Network drive (if assigned)